Event Planner

How to use the Event Planner

Use this event planner to help plan your time. Just enter your deadline and answer a few questions about how much time you need. The calculator will produce a personalised schedule.

event date Section 1 / 4

Available study time Section 2 / 4

Allocating your time Section 3 / 4

How many hours would you like to spend on the different aspects of organising the event:

Stage 1: Planning the task
  • Decide what tasks you need to do to host the event and break it down into component parts. For example, the venue, catering, entertainment, guest list.
  • Set a budget.
  • Make a schedule.
Stage 2: Generate ideas
  • Search for ideas and inspiration for your event. For example, on the theme, the venue, catering, entertainment, invitations, decorations.
  • Decide which sources you need to consult to find ideas. These may be specific websites, apps, or recommendations from friends and family.
  • Search for relevant material.
  • Evaluate the ideas you have found and decide if they make your shortlist.
  • Make notes on your ideas. There are different ways of doing this, including a mood board or a written list of top ideas. Keep full details of sources, as you may need to refer back to them.
Stage 3: Make a plan
  • Decide on your theme, venue, entertainment, decorations, invitations and catering.
  • Create a guest list
  • Write down your decisions and plan your next steps
Stage 4: Organise the event
  • This will be the most time-consuming part. Follow your plan.
  • Example tasks for organising an event could include:
    • Ordering or creating event decorations.
    • Visiting and booking a venue.
    • Finalising the food menu with a caterer.
    • Creating and sending invitations to guests.
Stage 5: Review
  • Check you have received replies from all your guests and follow up on any you haven’t received.
  • Review your plan and check you have completed all the tasks required to organise the event. Follow up on anything that is outstanding.
Stage 6: Host the event
  • Consider what preparations you will need to do on the day. For example, setting up decorations, collecting the catering, providing travel directions to guests.

Your event planner Section 4 / 4

Your planning time summary




There's plenty of time left to organise the event if you keep to this plan. Here's a suggested planner to help you stay on track.

Want to stick to the times you've suggested for each stage? Then you should aim to complete…

Stage 1 'Plan the task' by the end of
Stage 2 'Generate ideas' by the end of
Stage 3 'Make a plan' by the end of
Stage 4 'Organise the event' by the end of
Stage 5 'Review' by the end of
Stage 6 'Host the event' by the end of

With this estimation you will complete the event plan with days to go.

See below for a suggestion of how to utilise the whole of your time.

Stage 1 'Plan the task' by the end of
Stage 2 'Generate ideas' by the end of
Stage 3 'Make a plan' by the end of
Stage 4 'Organise the event' by the end of
Stage 5 'Review' by the end of
Stage 6 'Host the event' by the end of

Okay, so you haven't got as much time left as you like. However, you should still be able to make it with good time management and organisation. Judging by the amount of time you like to spend on each stage of planning the event, this is how much time you should spend on each stage:

Stage 1 'Plan the task' by the end of
Stage 2 'Generate ideas' by the end of
Stage 3 'Make a plan' by the end of
Stage 4 'Organise the event' by the end of
Stage 5 'Review' by the end of
Stage 6 'Host the event' by the end of